Val taking a moment to pray
Yall, Val planned a surprise proposal for Dziyana keeping everything she liked at the top of his mind. From the flowers, to the ring to event the location.
When Val reached out to me to capture their proposal I was ecstatic. He found such a special location that Dziyana would go from time to time to reflect with her friend. As we were getting the location ready for the big moment I couldn’t help but notice the nervous jitters of Val and how he had to step back and invite Jesus into his decision and just pray. You know that moment, when you just need space, you and Jesus.
Watching Dziyana come down the steps to meet her soon to be fiancé still brings a smile to my face.
This was such a beautiful moment in this surprise proposal, it shows the depth of faith of these two individual’s.
The joy of a happy moment we forget, but when it is captured you will forever remember the moment, the feeling you were experiencing when that photo was taken. That is why I believe having a photographer for the important moments in your life is so important.
Val and Dziyana I can’t wait to capture your wedding day..
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July 21, 2023
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